BurnAware Patch 1.12 (Premium/Pro x86/x64)


  • Date: 2024-03-26
  • Version: 1.12
  • Type: Patch
  • File: Patch.exe
  • SHA256: 5CED9F7AB2CB2FD8260054471651FB61CDC7128152EA3FAB93E7A96C1534F0EE
  • Release for BA 17.6: Fixed new MD5/SHA256 integrity checks.
Password: RDX2024

IMPORTANT: Since the developer always adds/changes license/integrity checks to the app after I release this patch and then he updates the installers in his website silently, please ALWAYS use the provided installers in the link at the top of this post, to ensure that the patch works correctly.


  1. Thank you RadiXX11 for all your efforts with all your work!

  2. [UPDATE 2024-04-09]: It seems that BA 17.7 is working fine with this patch too. So for now, I'll assume that there is no need for a new one, at least until somebody reports otherwise.

    But just in case the dev decides to change the current installers available in his site for "new ones" with additional checks like always, I'll leave a backup of the installers I used to verify this patch at the time of this post:

    Password: RDX2024


  3. [UPDATE 2024-05-21]: It seems that BA 17.8 is also working fine with this patch. So for now, I'll assume that there is no need for a new one, at least until somebody reports otherwise.

    Like always, I'll leave a backup of the installers I used to verify this patch at the time of this post, just in case:

    Password: RDX2024



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