If you like what I do and you have the means to do so, please consider making a donation. Your support helps me cover the time I spend on this activity and improve my work.
Donations only via PayPal to
Any amount is welcome.
As a special thanks, those who can donate $4 (USD) or more will receive by email (associated with their PayPal account) information and a download link to my latest private project (FPGH). This also include updates during 30 days since the day of the last donation. In case you want to make a donation to access the private project, please note that I'll send the information asap, between the 24hs after the transfer (from 0:00 p.m. UTC to 11:00 p.m. UTC usually I'm offline).
- Make sure that your PayPal email address is valid, otherwise I won't have a way to contact you to send you the information. If that happens, then I'll refund the donation. In case you don't want to receive the information about the project in your PayPal email address, then specify an alternative email address in the NOTES, when you do the transfer.
- If you want, you can use the word "Donation" as a message in PayPal when you do the support. Don't make requests or ask for illegal material in the message, otherwise I'll refund the payment immediately and block the user. If you only want to make the donation to have access to the FPGH project, you don't have to specify it in the message. If the amount donated is the minimum established above, you will receive the information shortly.
- If you don't get a reply in your email inbox after 24hs, please check your SPAM folder. In any case, if you have not received a reply yet, please send me an email to the address indicated above, confirming your donation. I will respond to you as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance for your support. 👍